Super Solid 50M Cable Reel 超硬吸震電線拖轆
德國名廠「柏林寶」 Super-Solid Cable Reel 電線拖轆
Plastic Reel 膠轆: - Reel Body made from special plastic with reinforced ribbed structure. 轆身特製塑料以肋骨型結構製造 ----------------------------------------------------- Steel Reel 鋼轆: - Reel body made from rust-resistant and galvanised sheet steel 轆身使用防锈及鍍鋅鋼片 - All electrical parts are safety insulated from the reel body 所有電器零件均與轆身絶緣 ----------------------------------------------------- 其他特點: - Both reels fitted to a extra stable, shock-absorbing and galvanised steel tube frame 兩款配以經鍍鋅處理之特別穩固吸震鋼架
- with 3-way socket outlet 13A BS with self-closing cover providing protection against dust and contamination. 3x13A 插座連自動關閉保護蓋以作防塵及防污染
- Rotary carry handle with comfortable cable guide management during winding 旋轉式手柄設計令繞線更舒適暢順
- with thermal cut-out protection against overheating 備有超負荷保險裝置
- Made in Germany 德國製造
線長 : 50M 線色及粗度: H05VV-3G1.5 黑線 外直徑: 290mmOD 型號 物料 每台(參考價) #130895 3 Plastic 膠轆 HK$ 600.00 (暫斷市,新貨約11月尾到港)
#130945 3 Steel 鋼轆 HK$ 636.00
Remarks 註: 1. Catalogue is available for the above models. 歡迎索取以上產品目錄. 2. Price is subject to change without prior notices. 價格隨時更改,恕不能及時通知。